Make sure you have the right illumination for any dental procedure by choosing from these wall-mount and cabinet-mount dental overhead lights from DuraPro Health. When it comes to proper dental lighting, convenience is key. Having bright, clear lighting isn’t enough on its own if you’re not able to direct the light with enough precision or proximity. By mounting dental operatory lights on cabinets or walls, you can quickly move them into position and direct the light for the best illumination to do your work. Learn more about how the use of wall-mount and cabinet-mount dental lights can improve your practice.
Benefits of Wall-Mount Dental Lights
When looking at different types of dental lights, it’s important to consider where the best mounting placement would be in each room of your practice. For examination rooms and operatories, there are several options to consider, including track-mount lights and ceiling-mount lights. However, lights that are mounted to cabinets or directly to the wall are a better fit for some spaces. They allow the lights to be easily tucked in when not in use. In addition, they may be better positioned near dental patient chairs to require less maneuvering to get the lights into place. Make sure you take measurements in the room to make sure you get dental lights that are the right fit for your space.
Popular Dental Light Models
Our collection includes some of the most popular light models for mounting to walls or to dental cabinets. You’ll find great options from companies that make some of the most durable and well-crafted equipment in the field of dentistry, including Boyd, Summit Dental and A-dec. In addition, you can find high-end options that include built-in cameras for easy imaging and recording. Browse through the full collection to find high-quality dental lights for your operatories or exam rooms.
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