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Create an inviting space for children with these pediatric products from DuraPro Health. Perfect for medical waiting rooms, classrooms, day care settings and other kid-friendly places, these products are designed to engage little ones and make them feel comfortable and relaxed. With a variety of different furniture designs, learning tools and organizational products, you can pick and choose the items that work best for your space. Learn more about our pediatric supplies at DuraPro Health and get ideas for using them to engage kids.

Pediatric Medical Office Furniture

Many kids can feel uneasy about visiting the doctor or going in for a checkup. In order to make them feel more comfortable, consider choosing from our children’s furniture to create a welcoming waiting room for them to enjoy before their appointment. Options like kid-sized bookshelves can be stocked with stories that younger children love as well as fun toys and educational games. Children’s step stools are also handy to have around for bathrooms and exam rooms. Choosing a few key products from our collection is an easy yet effective way to help pediatric patients feel more relaxed and comfortable when visiting medical offices.

Furniture and Supplies for Schools

Schools, day care facilities and other spaces for kids also need furniture and tools that cater to young children. Fortunately, there are plenty of great options to be found among this selection of pediatric products. For teachers, furniture that helps kids learn while also keeping the classroom organized is especially helpful. We also have table dividers that help kids focus and facilitate social distancing in schools. Portable sinks are also helpful for cleaning up after messy projects and washing hands for better hygiene. Check out the full collection of pediatric products to find options that will make your space more fun, educational and welcoming for little ones.

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